
Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: Anterior shoulder muscles, also called the pectoral muscles, attach the upper extremity to the clavicle and the thoracic cage. These muscles include the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor

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Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: What are the three parts of the deltoid muscle? 1. clavicular (anterior) 2. acromial (middle) 3. spinal (posterior) The first clip shows acromial part of deltoid doing

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: A few radiographs of shoulder ,including normal as well as abnormal images. When assessing for joint disruption (esp AC joint) you will need to be familiar with

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: As you can see in the image ,the 5 joints of the shoulder shown. Besides, the two ligamentous attachments between the clavicle & first rib (costoclavicular lig)

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: ✴️Shoulder joint (GHJ) is innervated by articular branches of: -SUPRASCAPULAR, -AXILLARY, -SUBSCAPULAR, -LATERAL PECTORAL, -MUSCULOCUTANEOUS nerves Current literature supports the presence of a common sensory innervation pattern

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: A wonderful GIF👍 from SUBSCAPULARIS MUSCLE: a powerful triangle-shaped & one of the 4 muscles of rotator cuff apparatus. Origin: subscapular fossa. Insertion: lesser tubercle of

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: ANATOMY,LATERAL SHOULDER 🟥CORACOACROMIAL ARCH comprised of : coracoid process,acromion,coracoacromial lig 🟥Within coracoacromial arch: -long head of BT -coracohumeral lig -sup glenohumeral lig -rotator cuff interval

X-এ Dr. OMID BANDARCHI: Muscles to elevate the scapula: This movement facilitated by several muscles & it's useful to distinguish these as PRIMARY MOVERS & STABILIZERS. 🔴Primary movers: Trapezius (its upper fibers)

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: 3 SCALENE MUSCLES on each side of the neck,spanning between transverse processes of C-spine & upper 2 ribs. Their functions: Flexion,lateral flexion,rotation of neck. They're also accessory

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: The greater tuberosity of the humerus with its 3 facets ,serves as the point of attachment for three of the rotator cuff muscles,as mentioned in detail. So,Fx